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 Rules and FAQ

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5 posters
Brendan Spark
Brendan Spark

Number of posts : 2276
Age : 39
House : Rules and FAQ Hufflepuff_group
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Registration date : 2007-04-14

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PostSubject: Rules and FAQ   Rules and FAQ Icon_minitimeSat Jul 12, 2008 2:42 am

Getting Started:
~ Read the Rules.
~ Register, by creating a user name.
~ Fill out your application.
~ Start posting!
~If you need further help, go to the complete guide Getting started in this forum.^

Current Site Rules:

Last Updated: 8/4/2014 by Felix Barker

The short list:

Respect the staff. This includes Admin, mods, professors, prefects. Just respect everyone in general but you must do as a staff/admin tells you. If conflicts arise, please contact an administrator.

Do NOT harass other members in any way. Sexual harassment will result in a ban.

Do NOT share personal information. Specifics on where you live, real names, and photo sharing are not permitted. This is for your own safety. While we know many people know each other outside, and we become good friends here, please respect each other and do not share other peoples information for them. While we would like to believe there is no one here who would harm you, however we know to be realistic.

Do NOT be rude in your posts. We live by the golden rule here. Treat others as you wish to be treated. If you are seen being rude in your posts, you will be warned and contacted by an admin.

Do NOT advertise other sites in your signature, cbox, pming, or in posts. Advertising in such ways will get you warned. We have an area designed specifically to advertise in, please utilize it.

Do NOT use excessive profanity.

Do NOT post detailed sexual acts.

Do NOT post pornography. (You will be banned for life)

Do NOT post links to pornography. (You will be banned for life)

If you register as a canon character, then stay as close to that character's style as possible, this is an Alternate Dimension site, so variations will occur, but please try to keep with the characters personality as close as possible.

Please try to stay close to the book when making magical characters. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is a great reference, also Harry Potter Wikia and HP Lexicon are wonderful sources for Magical creatures.

Vampires and Werewolves welcome. Werewolves only come out during a full moon. The full moon phase is on the portal page. Don't forget this. Also you may not turn a member into a Werewolf nor Vampire without their consent.

Please keep in mind that your character is not invincible.. however you are not permitted to kill another character, without their consent.

Because pg-13 material is permitted, anyone under the age of 13 is not permitted on this site. Anyone under the age of 13 but joining, or visiting this website anyway, does so at their own risk, recognizing that they are not permitted to do so, and anyone here at the "The Fidelius Charm" shall not be responsible for them.

In addendum: While we do not encourage you to share too much private information, as unfortunately people behind the characters can be less then reputable, we do not allow you to handle your character in a way that is inappropriate for your true age. Regardless of the age of your character you are bound to act within the laws of the cities, states, and countries you live in. As the site originators are from the US it is official that the age of consent is 18. If you are between the ages of 13 and 17 you may play a character who is an adult, but may not conduct their behaviors in a manner that you are not legally allowed to.

If you wish to join a faction, go to Claims and sign up in the Faction Enlistment area.

We have no word count on Fidelius Charm, but please keep in mind that posts should not be one-liners.

Please use only Celebrities or models as playbys. Anyone from facebook or deviantart may not be used without express permission from the actual person. No anime or artwork may be used either, if you are having problems finding a playby, ask around in the cbox or chatter box area, someone is sure to help you.

We have the right to change these rules at anytime. So check back often so you aren't found at fault.


On becoming staff:

* How do I get to be an administrator?

Occasionally if administration positions are open, moderators may be promoted to admin-ship. In order to get into the administration team, you must first become a moderator.

* How do I get to be a moderator?

At some point, we will be posting positions that are available on the site, such as professors, prefects and so on. If you are interested in being a professor go to the Hogwarts Jobs Claims list. Once a Professor you are automatically a moderator of your area, and have access to Out-of-character Staff Room.

* What if there is a forum that I would like on Fidelius, but it isn't here?

Well, if there is a forum that you would like to RP in and we don't have it, post it in the suggestion box. Make sure to tell us exactly what you would want the forum to be called and give us a short description, and it will get administrator approval, and be added.

On Spam:

Spamming is creating off-topic posts or threads that are otherwise unnecessary. This includes posting in threads repeatedly with only out-of-character information. While it is alright, if the post calls for it, to ask questions out-of-character without creating an in-character reply, repeated conversations out-of-character will be warned.

Who to get a hold of:

Owners of the The Fidelius Charm and Main Administrators: Pandora Gryffindor and Vannessa Johnson are the original creators. We have the last and final say on everything, period. Christabelle Gania has taken over for them with their loving permission.

Administrators ~ Christabelle Gania, Daniel Grayson, Felix Barker, Josh Delk, Pandora Gryffindor, Sophia Granger, Vannessa Johnson

- Moderators are all Professor's-

Josh Delk ~ DADA
Chase Moor ~ Potions
(Open) ~ Care of Magical Creature
Blair Castellano ~ Charms
(Open) ~ Transfiguration
Christabelle Gania ~ History of Magic and Divination
(Open) ~ Muggle Studies
(Open) ~ Astronomy

** If you wish to sign up to be a professor, please claim a job in the Hogwarts Jobs thread.


There are currently no prefects

Heads of Houses~

(Open) ~ Gryffindor
Chase Moor ~ Hufflepuff
Christabelle Gania ~ Ravenclaw
Josh Delk ~ Slytherin

Head of groups ~

Felix Barker ~ Death Eaters
(Open) ~ Order of the Phoenix

On Quidditch:

YES Quidditch still has rules. Please see the thread within the Faq portion of the forum.

Disclaimer: We are in no way affiliated with JK Rowling or Warner Bros. We are a fan-based site taking place in the Universe Created by JK Rowling.
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Number of posts : 437
Age : 30
Location (HP World) : Buying Lauryn's Ring
Student/Adult : Student
House : Rules and FAQ Ravenclaw_group
Health :
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Registration date : 2008-08-01

Rules and FAQ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rules and FAQ   Rules and FAQ Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 5:21 am

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Brendan Spark
Brendan Spark

Number of posts : 2276
Age : 39
House : Rules and FAQ Hufflepuff_group
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Registration date : 2007-04-14

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PostSubject: Re: Rules and FAQ   Rules and FAQ Icon_minitimeMon Aug 18, 2008 3:06 am

hmm.. and I thought that was an understood to use real english.
for those posts feel free to request an edit from the OP and report the posts if it gets out of hand.
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Julio Eaglemaster

Julio Eaglemaster

Number of posts : 337
Age : 33
Location (HP World) : Somewhere away from the world.
Mood : Okay.
Student/Adult : Student
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Registration date : 2008-02-25

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PostSubject: Re: Rules and FAQ   Rules and FAQ Icon_minitimeMon Aug 18, 2008 12:57 pm

But what if everything has already gone out of hand? I just hope things go back to normal soon.
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Number of posts : 437
Age : 30
Location (HP World) : Buying Lauryn's Ring
Student/Adult : Student
House : Rules and FAQ Ravenclaw_group
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Registration date : 2008-08-01

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PostSubject: Re: Rules and FAQ   Rules and FAQ Icon_minitimeMon Aug 18, 2008 2:15 pm

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Brendan Spark
Brendan Spark

Number of posts : 2276
Age : 39
House : Rules and FAQ Hufflepuff_group
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Registration date : 2007-04-14

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PostSubject: Re: Rules and FAQ   Rules and FAQ Icon_minitimeMon Aug 18, 2008 2:21 pm

Then just keep flagging things, and we'll get here as soon as possible. Hopefully we got everything cleaned up last night and were able to put a stop to it.
I dont start school until next week so whenever I am online I'll be monitoring the site as carefully as I can to keep things under control again.
I dont like having to do it, but I will to keep up the integrity of the site.
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Julio Eaglemaster

Julio Eaglemaster

Number of posts : 337
Age : 33
Location (HP World) : Somewhere away from the world.
Mood : Okay.
Student/Adult : Student
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Registration date : 2008-02-25

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PostSubject: Re: Rules and FAQ   Rules and FAQ Icon_minitimeMon Aug 18, 2008 2:23 pm

Ugh...School...I don't want to think of it.
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Vannessa Johnson
Vannessa Johnson

Number of posts : 3872
Age : 41
Location (HP World) : Johnson Manor, normally in my private, warded lab
Mood : out of my mind right now
Student/Adult : Adult
House : Rules and FAQ Slytherin_group
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Registration date : 2007-04-12

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PostSubject: Re: Rules and FAQ   Rules and FAQ Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 12:58 pm

I have no problem with you guys pointing out some rules in this forum that need to be updated, but make sure that you realize that this is not a chat forum. Thanks for the suggestion Matt, appreciate greatly.
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Vannessa Johnson
Vannessa Johnson

Number of posts : 3872
Age : 41
Location (HP World) : Johnson Manor, normally in my private, warded lab
Mood : out of my mind right now
Student/Adult : Adult
House : Rules and FAQ Slytherin_group
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Registration date : 2007-04-12

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PostSubject: Re: Rules and FAQ   Rules and FAQ Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:40 pm

Alright, this is what's going down. This is a new and important rule because I'm tired of non active posters, especially the ones that are cannon characters.

Anyone that has not logged on in six months or more will have their account deleted, I don't care whether you are cannon character or a non cannon character, that's just the way it is. The only exception to this rule is if we are already made aware of some sort of computer problems that you might have, then we'll leave your account alone, or if you are an admin, because we realize that most admins are adults that have full time jobs,and I myself have a child that requires a great deal of attention.

Another addition to the rules is this. If you want to be a vampire or a werewolf, you MUST post in the correct ministry thread. You must be approved before you go and post about being one of these two creatures. If you do not wait for admin approval, then you will be banned for an unspecified amount of time to be determined by the admin that sees you breaking rules. This means: DO NOT POST THAT YOU ARE A WEREWOLF OR VAMPIRE IN AN RP WITHOUT BEING APPROVED...IF YOU DO, THEN YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO GET ONTO THE SITE UNTIL WE DAMN WELL SEE FIT TO LET YOU. And just because you request to be one of these creatures, does not mean that it will be approved. That will be left to the discretion of the administrators. If you don't like it, too damn bad, you can RP somewhere else.
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Christabelle Gania
Christabelle Gania

Number of posts : 5259
Age : 35
Location (HP World) : Hogwarts
Mood : Excited
Student/Adult : Adult
House : Rules and FAQ Slytherin_group
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Registration date : 2007-05-06

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PostSubject: Re: Rules and FAQ   Rules and FAQ Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 2:30 pm

Another Rule that I'm adding...NO DRAMA QUEENS!!!! After all the drama that went down over the last few days I'm really tired of it and think that we need to tone that down a great deal...yes your characters may have problems because we all do in real life but don't start the type of drama that we had the other day...making fun of/ insulting other members WILL NOT be tolerated...any problems with that see an admin or mod...a mod will see that the problem gets to us...they have other ways of talking to us outside of email and the site.
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