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 Updates and changes around the site

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Felix Barker
Felix Barker

Number of posts : 151
Location (HP World) : London
Student/Adult : Adult
House : Updates and changes around the site Ravenclaw_group
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Registration date : 2014-07-18

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PostSubject: Updates and changes around the site   Updates and changes around the site Icon_minitimeTue Jul 22, 2014 4:49 pm

Hey everyone!
As I'm sure you've noticed, Fidelius Charm has undergone a few obvious changes. From new skins, to forum navigation, to adding buttons! This is just a quick change-log for everyone to look at, because some of the things changed affect you guys directly!

  • So first off, the Rules have been updated! You should check out just about everything in the Rules And FAQ forum, to familiarize yourself with the new stuff!

  • Another major change is the application everyone should be aware that there is a new application template that needs to be adhered to. The old one is still floating around out there, and soon we will not accept applications written in the old format, please use the new one.

  • Our Claims area has been updated to include some more jobs and a Factions Enlistment area has been set up, so if your character is involved in a faction, or has a job in St. Mungos, Hogwarts or Ministry of Magic you need to get on those lists! More will probably be added soon for Ministry and other jobs, so keep an eye out there for more lists to come!

  • There are a few new added buttons on the right hand column for you guys to check out! RPG-D, Puddifoots, and Top-Sites-List are all voting sites! Once a day you can click those buttons to vote for our site, and push our ad further up the list! This means more new members and expanded things to do around the site.

  • Indirectly affecting you guys is our ad section update. The ad section has been expanded, We have an ad created, and a members sites area set up, if you're on another site and wish to be affiliated or just have their ad here, or our ad there, post in the member's sites to share other sites with your friends!

We'll be adding and updating things as time goes by, so make sure to stay alert for any new lists or updates done to the site, and check back regularly to ones you're already on.
And of course, if you see something out of place, or wish something to be added, please utilize our suggestions post and get what you want to see up on the site!

The Fidelius Staff
Felix Barker
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