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Felix Barker
Felix Barker

Number of posts : 151
Location (HP World) : London
Student/Adult : Adult
House : Claims Lists Ravenclaw_group
Health :
Claims Lists Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Claims Lists Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2014-07-18

Claims Lists Empty
PostSubject: Claims Lists   Claims Lists Icon_minitimeFri Aug 15, 2014 4:35 pm

Hey everyone! It's your friendly neighborhood bad guy here to spread a little information for all you lovely people!

There has been some changes done to the Claims lists area everyone needs to know about.

If your character has any special abilities, is a different race (ex. Vampires, Werewolves, Veela), or has a job, there are now claims lists that need to be filled out.

I know it seems a lot of claims lists to be on, but this helps the admins know how many of who is running around the site, as well as allow for new features to be added down the line!

Right now you will be able to keep your characters with their current abilities and species, however new characters will have to follow the form and if a species is filled, that character will not be accepted.

So run over to the Claims area and get on those lists! If not claimed within two weeks you will be contacted by an admin.
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