Number of posts : 151 Location (HP World) : London Student/Adult : Adult House : Health : Registration date : 2014-07-18
Subject: A Guide to Forum Coding Fri Aug 15, 2014 6:13 pm
Forum Coding!
So you've noticed some people around the site do some pretty nice things with their posts! Centering some bits, using italics, bold, underlines, colors, sizes, fonts even! I bet you're wondering.. 'wow how do I do that?'
"How do I do that?!"
Well let's start with the basic buttons you can use in every post with just a click of your button.
This is the toolbar! This is where a lot of magic happens, though once you realize how some of these things works, you don't have to use these buttons if you'd rather write it out.
For the purposes of this guide, all tags will have an * in the tag. This is so you can see it's exact code. When using it yourself these will not show up.
This is the first box on the toolbar, it has the tags for Bold, Italics, Underline, and Strikethrough! Read on for more into each one of those.
This is the bold button, you can use this to create the tags [*b] and [*/b]. This makes your text bold with nothing else added.
--------------------- Italics
This is the italics button. It uses the tags [*i] and [*/i]. When put around a selection it looks like this:
--------------------- Underline
This is the underline button! It uses the tags [*u] and [*/u]. When put around a selection it looks like this:
--------------------- Strikethrough
This is the strikethrough button! It uses the tags [*strike] and [*/strike]. When put around a selection, it looks like this:
--------------------- Align left, Align Center, Align Right, Justify
This area has the tags for aligning posts to give it a more appealing look! Read on for more information.
Align left
This is the left align button. This will create your text to appear on the left hand side of the screen. However your text does this automatically, so this is a tag that's rarely used. The tag for it is [*left] and [*/left]
--------------------- Center
This is the center tag! On a lot of forums this is the one tag that varies the most. On our forum we use the tag: [*center] and [*/center].
However some sites use [align=center] and [/align] to do the same thing. So make sure to check with their buttons and which site you are on when using this tag.
--------------------- Align Right
This is the right align button. It uses the tags [*right] and [*/right].
--------------------- Justify
This is the Justify button! This button spaces your paragraphs so that no matter where your space is at the end, it will appear like a block of text, even on both edges.
(Not Justified) This is an example Paragraph. This is to show that no matter where a sentence would end on the edge of the line, the words will become spaced out so the edges align evenly on both edges. Of course the only way to show this is to have enough written to show up so that it's clear that the edges are perfectly even on both sides. In all honesty I've never quite known what this button did myself! It is a rarely used button so don't feel pressured to use it if you don't wish to.
This is an example Paragraph. This is to show that no matter where a sentence would end on the edge of the line, the words will become spaced out so the edges align evenly on both edges. Of course the only way to show this is to have enough written to show up so that it's clear that the edges are perfectly even on both sides. In all honesty I've never quite known what this button did myself! It is a rarely used button so don't feel pressured to use it if you don't wish to.
[justify]This is an example Paragraph. This is to show that no matter where a sentence would end on the edge of the line, the words will become spaced out so the edges align evenly on both edges. Of course the only way to show this is to have enough written to show up so that it's clear that the edges are perfectly even on both sides. In all honesty I've never quite known what this button did myself! It is a rarely used button so don't feel pressured to use it if you don't wish to.[/justify]
A Horizontal Rule can be used to insert a line break between sections. However with the skin of Fidelius Charm, it is slightly hard to see. The tag for Horizontal Rule is [*hr]
This section goes over Quoting other posts, Using Code (Which you've seen multiple times in this guide), Spoilers (Another thing you've seen multiple times), Hidden and Tables.
This is the quote button! When you click it you get a second box that asks for the Author, however it's optional to add. The tags for the quote button are simply [*quote="Name"] and [*/quote] when using an Author, or with no author: [*quote] and [*/quote]
Felix wrote:
Example with an Author
Quote :
Example without an Author
[quote="Felix"]Example with an Author[/quote]
[quote]Example without an Author[/quote]
--------------------- Code
This is the Code Button! This is used when you wish to show the tags for a set of text. Good for Claims lists and sign ups, and especially guides. The tag for Code is [*code] and [*/code]
This is what it would look like without the code box.
[strike]This[/strike] is [b]what[/b] it would [i]look[/i] like with the [u]code[/u] box.
--------------------- Spoiler
This is the spoiler tag! It allows you to hide certain text that another person can click to show the contents of that box. It's shown in this guide multiple times to help condense text and make things easier to navigate when showing a lot of information. The tag for spoilers is [*spoiler] and [*/spoiler]
This is a spoiler tag example
[spoiler]This is a spoiler tag example[/spoiler]
--------------------- Hidden
This is the hidden tag! The tags used are [*hide] and [*/hide]. To be honest, I don't believe the tag works on FC, it should act similarly to a spoiler tag.
--------------------- Table
This is a table tag! It's used to insert tables into your posts, though rarely used in forum rp, it's still good to know how it works. The tags are: [*table][*tr][*td][*/td][*/tr][*/table]
Table sets up the fact that it's a table. While tr's create more columns, and td's create more rows.
Number of posts : 151 Location (HP World) : London Student/Adult : Adult House : Health : Registration date : 2014-07-18
Subject: Re: A Guide to Forum Coding Fri Aug 15, 2014 8:11 pm
Row Two of Forum Coding!
--------------------- Host an Image, Insert an Image, Links, Youtube Videos, Dailymotion Video, Flash
This area talks about inserting images and videos into your posts! Pictures are the most common thing to be inserted into posts and signatures on forum roleplay, however there are occasions in out of character chat that allows for videos to be inserted as well!
Read on to learn more!
Host an Image
This button allows for you to insert an image that is hosted on your computer. It comes up with a popup:
This popup allows for an image to be taken directly from your computer, via the browse button. Or Taken from a URL:
And allows you to host the picture with it's own unique URL. There are sites that allow you to do this elsewhere.
Prominent ones are: Imgur and Photobucket. There are lots more however, and with some searching you can find the ones you like best.
--------------------- Insert an Image
This button allows you to insert an image into your posts (This has been demonstrated all throughout the guide)! The code for this is [*img] and [*/img], however when you click the button a popup will prompt you to put in your url and an optional size changes.
The size changes will simply allow the picture to show up smaller on the forums, and not actually edit the size of the picture.
--------------------- Links
Links are very useful for linking to another site and creating a shortcut so that another person doesn't need to copy and paste a link, or have to look at a bunch of urls. The tag for links are: [*url=link] and [*/url]. Please be aware that we don't allow linking to other rp sites unless it's done specifically in the advertising section.
Occasionally I like to make it more clear that it's a URL and will underline the things that show up. In the example it is Rules and FAQ which will show up as the words that link refers to.
[url=][u]Rules and FAQ[/u][/url]
--------------------- Insert a Youtube Video
This allows you to insert a youtube video into your posts! Please do not post youtube videos into your in character posts, and if you wish to post one at all, do it only out of character, or link to the youtube video via a link, and not the youtube tag. The tag to insert a video is [*youtube] and [*/youtube].
Or simply click the button and copy and paste the link you wish to put into the post. The area between the tags is simply the numbers and letters that appear at the end of the youtube video.
--------------------- Insert a Dailymotion Video
This button allows you to insert a Dailymotion video in the same manner you may insert a youtube video. The same rules apply for this button as for the youtube button. The tags for this are [*dailymotion] and [*/dailymotion].
--------------------- Flash
The flash button allows you to insert flash videos into your posts! Please refrain from using this as it can slow down people's browsers. The tag for this is [*flash(500,500)] and [*/flash]
--------------------- Font Size, Font Color, Font Name, Remove Formatting
This section covers font changes. It's a regularly used formatting tool and can be very helpful in helping your posts stand out!
Keep reading to learn more!
Font Size
Font Size allows you to change the size of your writing to help things stand out better. This is another one of those tags that changes quite often by site. Here at FC we use:
The # can be changed to be between 10 and 24, however if you simply click the button it gives the size numbers and how big that size will look on your post.
Size Ten Size Twelve Size Sixteen Size Eighteen Size Twenty-Four
There are a large variety of font colors to choose from here at FC. By clicking the Font Color button it's easy to pick and choose what colors you want. Tags for this are [*color=#][*/color] You can also write the word to get the color you want! Such as [*color=red] or [*color=yellow] and you will get that color for your font!
Most of the time this button is grayed out. Meaning you cannot use it without fulfilling certain requirements. In this situation you need to switch to editor mode (The last button which will be explained in depth later), and highlight the text you wish to remove the formatting from.
--------------------- More, Current Date, Current time, Paste, Editor Mode
This area goes over the buttons in the last two small sections on the toolbar. Click the spoiler to read more!
The More button opens up a new set of buttons that can be used in your posts. Including subscripts and scrolling text. These are rarely used however in Forum Roleplay.
The Subscript button allows for subscripts to be added to numbers. Such as 92. The tags for that are [*sub] and [*/sub]
You can also make Superscripts, which are:
The Important buttons to know in this section are Horizontal and Vertical Scrolling. These are more often seen in signatures then actual posts.
[scroll]Horizontal Scrolling[/scroll]
[updown]Vertical Scrolling[/updown]
--------------------- Current Date
The Current date button inserts the current date into your posts with one click.
--------------------- Current Time
The current time button inserts the current time into your posts.
--------------------- Current Time
Another button for the editor mode page, it allows for easy copying and pasting.
--------------------- Editor Mode
Editor Mode allows you to view and edit your post to see immediate changes to your posts. This is a fast and easy way to make complicated formatting without having to press preview repeatedly. If working solely with the buttons is your thing, maybe try posting in Editor Mode. If you like working with the code, keep editor mode off.
(please do not reuse this guide without putting credit on your site. It can be edited however it needs to be.