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2 posters
Kiera Whittle Valentino

Kiera Whittle Valentino

Number of posts : 1497
Age : 35
Location (HP World) : London
Mood : Happy
Student/Adult : Student
House : Help Wanted At Hogwarts Hufflepuff_group
Health :
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Registration date : 2008-03-01

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PostSubject: Help Wanted At Hogwarts   Help Wanted At Hogwarts Icon_minitimeWed Sep 09, 2009 3:16 pm

Help Wanted At Hogwarts HelpWanted

We are currently accepting applications for teaching assistants and substitute professors at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There is really no experience required other than you be a graduate, and we would prefer if you had some experience. Please Post your applications here for further approval. We thank you kindly for your time.

Greatest Appreciation,
Christabelle Gania
Deputy Headmistress
Ravenclaw HOH
Professor of Divination, HOM and Vampire Ethics.

[b]House you were in when you were a student:[/b]
[b]Why are you interested in this job position?[/b]
[b]How would you teach a class if you had to substitute for a day?[/b]
[b]If teaching assistant, how would you best assist the class?[/b]
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Blair Castellano

Blair Castellano

Number of posts : 17
Location (HP World) : Hogsmeade
Student/Adult : Adult
House : Help Wanted At Hogwarts Slytherin_group
Health :
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Registration date : 2014-04-23

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PostSubject: Re: Help Wanted At Hogwarts   Help Wanted At Hogwarts Icon_minitimeWed Apr 23, 2014 2:38 pm

Name: Blair Castellano
Age: 21
House you were in when you were a student: Slytherin
Why are you interested in this job position? I would love to be a teacher! Charms is my first choice. I always excellent in class when I was young; Flitwick was my favourite teacher & he seemed to take quite a liking to me as well, also letting me in on little Charms secrets after class when I would hang behind to make sure I had mastered the day's spell.
How would you teach a class if you had to substitute for a day? I would first take a look at any notes the teacher before me had left, being sure to follow them to the best of my abilities. During the class I would also take careful notes on the students & their behaviours to give a top-notch report to whomever I was substituting for.
If teaching assistant, how would you best assist the class? I'm sure the teacher would have many things for me to do to help him / her out with. I would do anything from grading & / or paperwork to helping with practical or non-practical exams. But I'm willing to do anything a teacher asks of me, within reason of course.
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